Over the summer, we shared a very happy foodie discovery: a traveling homemade shave ice operation. Rebecca, the heart and the brains behind Ono Ice, is known for making incredibly inspired flavors like watermelon mint and blueberry basil with farmer’s market produce.
Since we first met Rebecca nearly 6 months ago, a lot has happened. For starters, she successfully launched a Kickstarter campaign to purchase a food truck (YES!!). And….
Rebecca now has a regular gig at one of our other favorite places, Bamboo on 2nd! She’s there Monday, Thursday, and Saturday nights making a changing seasonal menu of shave ice creations. She’s set up between the bar and the door, cranking away using her special Hawaiian ice shaver.
Tonight, Mr Foodie and I decided to run down to Bamboo right at 5 to grab a quick bite and beat the crowds (there’s usually a wait by 6). Knowing that Ono would be there was a major draw. Ono is by far the best dessert option in downtown Bham, in our humble foodie opinions, and Saturday nights are made for dessert.
After an amazing meal (sushi, beef skewers, edamame), we were presented with this:

Ono Ice, holiday edition. After reading on Facebook that Rebecca makes her own white chocolate peppermint bark, we had to try the White Chocolate Peppermint ice.

Oh my. A giant mound of snow-like ice infused with a light and milky peppermint syrup. Dusted with tiny crunchy candy cane pieces and topped with the sweet bark, it was just unbelievable. Wintertime in a bowl. And so beautiful, too. It attracted a lot of attention from neighboring tables: the folks next to us even took a picture of it. You know your food looks good when the next table is photographing it.
Happy holidays, foodies.
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